Thursday, January 28, 2016

I was scared when....

Yesterday's speaker in our Storytelling for Results (PR Writing) class gave us some advice:

1. Read good writing; and,
2. Write bad writing (i.e., Be willing to).

The point is, JUST WRITE.

Following the lecture was a "Write Bad Writing" activity. We were tasked to write by starting with "I was scared when....". We had less than five minutes to write, but it was a really good activity. Here's my output:

I was scared when I had to pack all of my most valuable belongings in just two suitcases before moving to the U.S. I was sure that I would not lack for anything, but there was a sense of security in having all of my belongings that I had accumulated through the years and suddenly had to leave in the Philippines.

To quote Olive Snook in Pushing Daisies, “But I like my belongings. That's why they belong to me.”

When I moved here, however, I realized that owning only two suitcases of things gave me a different kind of sense of security, recognizing that I didn’t need a lot to have what I have now.

"Better Together" in Washington state

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